… be doers of the Word …
To love and share Christ
To be a thriving intergenerational and multicultural community sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
- Togetherness
- Discipleship
- Community
The Ancient Creeds
Anglicans, like many other Christians, formally profess their faith in the words of the historic Christian creeds, which were formulated in the early centuries of the Christian Church. (The word ‘creed’ comes from the Latin ‘credo’ = ‘I believe’).
The Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed are used very regularly in Anglican worship, the Athanasian Creed is used in worship less often, but is considered to set out the classic understanding of key Christian doctrines about the nature of God and the person of Jesus Christ.
Source: Anglican Communion
The Bible is acknowledged as the ‘ground’ on which any expression of Christian faith must be founded.

Our Parish Crest reminds us that our lives are a pilgrimage with God
Pilgrim Hat – protecting us from sun and heat. God provides for us on our journey.
Pilgrim Staff – the walking stick that we lean on – Jesus who shoulders the yoke with us; the Body of Christ, our companions on the journey whom we lean on too.
Pilgrim Shell – badge worn by pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago de Compostalla; sign of commitment to our journey; recognised by those who offer hospitality along the way.
Cross – we take up our crosses and walk the way of vulnerable rejoicing pilgrims with Jesus.
The Anglican Parish of Lower Hutt is part of the Anglican Diocese of Wellington
We are family, we are disciples, we care for the last, the lost, and the least.
The professional standards which govern our behaviour can be found here
The standards comprise: